Jane Slattery Jane Slattery

Tulip Fever

You may remember my last post in February where I planted the tulip bulbs, by the way how have I not written anything since then… There were messages of, ‘No way will they grow?’ and ‘You really think you will get tulips?’ Sniggers could be heard all round, well here they are! Plumping up nicely, their petal cups slowly unfolding to reveal their buried treasures. Taking time to emerge into their final cloak of full glory.

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Jane Slattery Jane Slattery

February Light

These short days are deliberate in taking gardening plans and ambitions slowly. They encourage sourcing through pages of books, scribbling down plant names, combination planting, natives, pollinator friendly and simply the flowers that have caught my eye. Seizing snippets of time I flit back and forth between handwritten notebook and electronic notes. These conceptions need to be plotted in the coming weeks in order to prep, restore and plant.

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Jane Slattery Jane Slattery

Gently Moving…

Where have I been you may ask….

I am happy to close the door firmly on last year, a year that ended in radio silence and very little in the way of creating and being in the moment. Life simply took over and other responsibilities were up front leaving me in a state of time critical, high priority, urgent and dependent. Something had to give.

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Jane Slattery Jane Slattery

Fires in Winter

You may have seen recently noticed I posted on stories on instagram about the plight of my plot, not knowing where to begin and feeling rather overwhelmed. A feeling that happens almost every year when I have done little to no work over the winter period. Why it still comes as a surprise is beyond me…

I talk myself round with ‘it’s still early’ (a comment someone kindly sent me) but there are so many other projects to prep, continue and finish the ones that were never completed from last year. I pat myself on the back kindly thank me for the carry over workload, pull on my boots and begin to stand and stare… and slurp tea. It doesn’t look it’s best.

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Jane Slattery Jane Slattery

An Itch….

An itch… That needs scratching… I’m done with the tea drinking, blanket wrapping and looking out the window into a coal black sky every morning and evening.

We are emerging from the shadowy winter and I couldn’t be more ready to put those flower dreams into reality.

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Jane Slattery Jane Slattery

Dahlia Field Notes

Like the dahlia’s where I have notepads and diaries full of scribbles, sketches, doodles and notes this prompts me to make a mental note to chronicle the Mums.

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Jane Slattery Jane Slattery

Autumnal Thrifting

I decant sweetpea seeds from parched unfurling cases. In a week or so these will be sown for early blooms at the end of spring next year and we will have granddaughters of Piggy Sue sweetpeas once again.

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