The Wild Potager Co

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Dahlia Field Notes

Like the dahlia’s where I have notepads and diaries full of scribbles, sketches, doodles and notes this prompts me to make a mental note to chronicle the Mums. Who’s early, who’s late, who’s a stunner and who is just a down right acid coloured no no. I have grown them for a few years and took little notice or forgot to dig them up or left them to fend for themselves with no support and subsequently have died on me, however this year… I changed that. I actually got them in the ground at the correct time, fed them, showered beaming smiles over them and now they are flourishing with many flowers still to come. Another spreadsheet, I wonder.

Back to the dahlia’s, I planted 90 with another 15 or so who did not make it into the ground (shhh) they are the most forgiving flower you can ever grow. A multitude of shapes, sizes and colours and depending on your taste there is always one for everyone. I’ve poured over this years grid of dahlias and I have swung to and fro from being brutal and keeping every single one in the plan for next year.

Something I’m working on… Brutal. Even the sound of this word is harsh enough!

For me the job of digging, drying and storing will commence in a week or so but for now I am clinging onto them as long as possible. As the clocks change and the light becomes less they will soon slow down and produce shorter stems and it is at this point I begin snipping for drying. The dried muted colour tones bring much needed interest around the home in those dark winter months of January and February and this year I am adding them to natural indoor wreaths for the winter. Mixing them with foraged ferns (that’s another story) and copper leaves with sprigs of fresh eucalyptus from the potager. A little something my creativity craves when we hunker down for the winter months.

The dahlia’s have filled vases all over my home, bunches made for customers and friends from the abundance of that they have given me this year. Which in turn only ignites the passion of wanting to add more, besides there’s always one you don’t have and have to have… Addictive and nourishing all in one dollop. If you don’t grow dahlia’s I urge you to try at least one, my favourites of this season along with regulars are…

Josudi Mercury, Preference, Henriette, Hapet Combo, April Heather, Gurtla Twilight, Normandie Wedding Day and Penny lane. All of which will be around next year I could go on and on…. But there are too many to mention. Now is the time to start picking up catalogues or visiting breeders online. I promise they will be one for you.

I have an abundance of these little kraft note books for you to document your dahlias, vegetables or simply the flowers you must have next year. I wouldn’t be without this little notebook in my pocket, they come gift wrapped and inside you will find a sleeve of seeds to sow next year, a little gift for those who want to grow their own flowers and vegetables.

Available on the website.

Until the next time

Much love Jane x