The Wild Potager Co

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Tulip Fever

And here we are….

You may remember my last post in February where I planted the tulip bulbs, by the way how have I not written anything since then… There were messages of, ‘No way will they grow?’ and ‘You really think you will get tulips?’ Sniggers could be heard all round, well here they are! Plumping up nicely, their petal cups slowly unfolding to reveal their buried treasures. Taking time to emerge into their final cloak of full glory.

I can categorically report, not a snigger is to be heard in the Potager. Only my own. 

The true classic of a spring flower. Symbolising love for many centuries. I sunk a small amount into an even smaller patch of earth this year, non the less they are brightening up the Potager. These are for me and by that let’s just say a certain florist caught me in the plot and made sure I dug some of them up for her. (insert ‘roll eyes’)

No two year’s are the same, last years bounty blew open when my back was turned and mostly ended up on every shelf of my home or left in situ to be adored every time I went to the plot. This year, knowing there was little time to be snatched I wisely planted the ones I love. 

For some unknown reason I don’t have one single tulip in my teeny tiny Victorian garden. Which I have immediately put that little project into motion. I realise we are swooning over the tulips right now and feeling rather smug about planting them. However this is a great time to order them for autumn, while you have them flowering. TICK! Or if like me order them and plant two months before. (said with sarcastic undertones).

Whilst the tulips bloom away I have steadily been planting out the sweet peas. Now this is a frenzy you should never be without. As Monty rightly said on Gardeners’ World, “To pick sweet peas for the home is such a luxury.” Couldn’t have said finer. So this year sees me sowing and growing the most I have ever done before. These will be grown and photographed from every angle and the seeds will be available in the autumn sweet pea store.

I think I’m way too excited for this. Relax Jane relax. The sweet pea spam!,

Not the kind that comes out of a tin that slices your fingers off may I add.

As the wigwams become erected I sprinkle blood, fish & bone into each half moon trough. I plant 2 to 3 pots around the base of each cane, all depending on the size of the plants. Being meticulous to the type of peas I plant. Each one belongs to a group I put together way back in winter. Flowering sweet peas in groups named Marshmallow and Rosy Berry. These names may change from now until autumn! Which means they will. Having already planted out 162 sweet pea seeds on adjacent teepee structures, I am now dreaming of when the sweet pea show begins. Don’t know about you but I can’t wait to see this lot in full bloom. That intoxicating scent of a blended combination of jasmine, orange blossom, lilac and honeysuckle will be drifting down the path to let you know they are here.

While the planting continues, Larkspur have been out for a few weeks now, growing out their fluffy tufts by the day.

Daucus Carota Purple Kisses are just in and looking healthy All said with a little pray as I dare to plant them even closer than I have ever done before.

Amma Majus went in a few days ago with three rows of strong seedlings, keeping half a tray back to plant out in a few weeks to stagger the flowering period.

While the tulips are here, the ranunculus are adding to the fruit salad display. All to be reported on soon.

With the very mention of orange blossom, it tidily brings me to mention the new tea lights now available in the store. These are lovingly hand made with my own hand blend that resonates orange blossom.

See this product in the original post

When you get in from the field, garden or flower patch, simply light one of these to peel away the day. Hand poured tea lights inspired by the Wild Potager and the seasons. These delightful smelling candles are a blend of only essential oils in creamy soy wax. Pride and joy are poured into creating these tea lights in small, carefully crafted batches, each infused with a hand crafted scent.

Orange Blossom Botanical Tea Lights are a fresh uplifting scent in a harmonious blend of neroli, bergamot, sweet orange and benzoin essential oils. Such a beautiful aroma, boosting spirits and filling the air with a fresh zesty scent that promotes relaxation.

There are three scents to choose from, enlighten your mood and environment to sit and relax within.

Wild Potager Botanical Tea Lights are a floral with uplifting scents in a harmonious blend of jasmine, rose geranium, sweet orange & lemon balm essential oils. Such a beautiful aroma, boosting spirits and filling the air with a floral, zesty scent that promotes relaxation as well as neutralising the room.
Secret Jardin Botanical Tea Lights are a herby, floral uplifting scent in a harmonious blend of lavender, basil & lime essential oils. Such a beautiful aroma, boosting spirits and filling the air with a floral, zesty scent that promotes a comforting mood.

Until next time…


Jane x