Florist Green Mossing Jute


Florists green jute twine from Nutscene is suitable for floristry, wreath making and garden tying.  It's great for decorating floral arrangements and creating decorative bows and knots.

An essential for any florist or gardener.  Also available in natural.

All have cardboard inner cores.

Natural 3 ply jute.

Length: 40m

*All compostable

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Florists green jute twine from Nutscene is suitable for floristry, wreath making and garden tying.  It's great for decorating floral arrangements and creating decorative bows and knots.

An essential for any florist or gardener.  Also available in natural.

All have cardboard inner cores.

Natural 3 ply jute.

Length: 40m

*All compostable

Florists green jute twine from Nutscene is suitable for floristry, wreath making and garden tying.  It's great for decorating floral arrangements and creating decorative bows and knots.

An essential for any florist or gardener.  Also available in natural.

All have cardboard inner cores.

Natural 3 ply jute.

Length: 40m

*All compostable

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