Phlox Drummondii Blushing Bride
Such a pretty phlox to grow with pale pink and white flowers to blush pink. They glow in the evening light and are a very versatile phlox that harmonises with all flowers. The flowers also have a beautiful almost fruity scent.
Flowers in an abundance from June through to autumn. Cut flowers for your arrangements and this will encourage more growth. They benefit from a feed in summer to encourage more flowers. I simply love this flower, grown here in the potager to fill bouquets or cascade out of pots, such a simple yet very effective flower.
Sow indoors about 3 to 4 weeks before your last frost and exclude light to help germination. Either cover seed with compost or cover the tray to block out light. Can take up to 21 days to germinate. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into individual pots to grow on. Pinch out growing tip when they are roughly 8cms tall to encourage bushy plants. Can be direct sown from April onwards.
Plant out tight together in a bright location but not direct sun. Will need support if growing for bouquets and a vase life up to 7 days.
Approx 50 seeds
Height 50cms+
Drummondii grandiflora
Half hardy annual
Such a pretty phlox to grow with pale pink and white flowers to blush pink. They glow in the evening light and are a very versatile phlox that harmonises with all flowers. The flowers also have a beautiful almost fruity scent.
Flowers in an abundance from June through to autumn. Cut flowers for your arrangements and this will encourage more growth. They benefit from a feed in summer to encourage more flowers. I simply love this flower, grown here in the potager to fill bouquets or cascade out of pots, such a simple yet very effective flower.
Sow indoors about 3 to 4 weeks before your last frost and exclude light to help germination. Either cover seed with compost or cover the tray to block out light. Can take up to 21 days to germinate. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into individual pots to grow on. Pinch out growing tip when they are roughly 8cms tall to encourage bushy plants. Can be direct sown from April onwards.
Plant out tight together in a bright location but not direct sun. Will need support if growing for bouquets and a vase life up to 7 days.
Approx 50 seeds
Height 50cms+
Drummondii grandiflora
Half hardy annual
Such a pretty phlox to grow with pale pink and white flowers to blush pink. They glow in the evening light and are a very versatile phlox that harmonises with all flowers. The flowers also have a beautiful almost fruity scent.
Flowers in an abundance from June through to autumn. Cut flowers for your arrangements and this will encourage more growth. They benefit from a feed in summer to encourage more flowers. I simply love this flower, grown here in the potager to fill bouquets or cascade out of pots, such a simple yet very effective flower.
Sow indoors about 3 to 4 weeks before your last frost and exclude light to help germination. Either cover seed with compost or cover the tray to block out light. Can take up to 21 days to germinate. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into individual pots to grow on. Pinch out growing tip when they are roughly 8cms tall to encourage bushy plants. Can be direct sown from April onwards.
Plant out tight together in a bright location but not direct sun. Will need support if growing for bouquets and a vase life up to 7 days.
Approx 50 seeds
Height 50cms+
Drummondii grandiflora
Half hardy annual